Wednesday May 29, 2019
All about relationships and seeing things...differently. SEX AND MONEY
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Saturday Mar 02, 2019
Saturday Mar 02, 2019
Special guest Colleen Hirst, who is a clinical psychologist and family therapist, based in Sydney Australia, who has worked in the counselling industry for over 30 years. This episode is your free couples therapy!!! Colleen has so much to share including what the number 1 thing is that brings couples into her rooms...You're just going to have to listen to find out what it is.
Unresolved conflict, the real marriage stats, good communication, how to fight well, and more importantly - how to repair well. How to calm down when things are heated, how to make sure issues are discussed. These are just a few of the topics we cover in this episode. Our pet peeves with each other also make an appearance. Hope it helps you! And we hope you never look at dental floss the same way.
T and Em
Monday Jan 21, 2019
All about relationships and seeing things...differently. Parenting Help!
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Adolescent Phychologist Collette Smart is back to help us all. This episode covers…
Rules and boundaries with our kids. Authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting styles. Technology in bedrooms. What is your parenting mantra? Social media with teens. How to navigate the major parenting issues when you are and your partner are on different pages. The average age kids see porn …and here’s a note - it’s not them looking it up in the early ages, its apps disguised as kids characters sending them images to try and hook in their future clientele. How our kids can be over scheduled with extra circular activities, which not only has a negative affect on them but also on your relationship with your spouse. Plus a few more things....phew! yes this is a big episode.
We hope this helps someone! The terrence and Emma podcast is available on all podcast platforms and apps or you can go to www.terrenceandemma.com
Contact: emma@emmamullings.com
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
All about relationships and seeing things...differently! Help with Teens and Tweens.
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Hands up who wants some help with their teens! Special guest - adolescent psychologist Collette Smart
Collette Smart is an adolescent Psychologist, teacher, lecturer and author, with more than 20 years experience working with children and families around the world, including Australia, USA, UK and Africa.
In this episode we touch on a HEAP of helpful stuff...how to connect with our teens, what questions do should we be asking at the dinner table, does your teen wants your advice or would they prefer to ask the internet - the answer may surprise you. LOVE BOMB DAYS! what are they? How to start our own family traditions and lots more.
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
In Episode 2 we chat the INTROVERT and the EXTROVERT and how this affects all kinds of relationships. Emma is 8 months pregnant and feeling very introverted (much more than the usual) and Terrence is still in the running for scheduling the most social events for the year. Which category do you fall into and how does this affect your relationship? What about your in-laws? Are you an extroverted introvert? Or an introverted extrovert? Is there such a thing? Let's talk it through with some laughs in episode 2. Terrence throws Emma under the bus about 100 times in this episode. (this is an Aussie slang term which may be deleted at a later date due to too many people who aren't Aussie being offended).
No topic is off limits - email your topic requests to emma@emmamullings.com
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
All About Relationships and Seeing Things...Differently! Love Languages.
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Married over ten years, 4 kids, and total opposites. Enjoy the Terrence and Emma podcast. A journey of marriage, love and laughter with a load of lessons! Learning to celebrate the difference in life and love. Here's to living a better story in marriage, parenting and it may just improve your sex life.
In episode 1, we start at the beginning, chatting through the key love languages and the foundations of filling each others "love tank". Terrences $20 hardware store voucher from the servo (gas station for our USA listeners), did not suffice for Emmas birthday present and apparently he just wants her tell him nice things? Needy? Who do you think wrote this blurb? Have a listen to the podcast and make up your own mind.
No topics are off limits. Send your episode topic requests to emma@emmamullings.com
Produced by Emma Mullings